Bu gezi benim için aslında hayaldi.Gidebileceğimi
düşünmüyordum çünkü İngilizce’m çok iyi değildi.Ama yine de mülakat sınavına
girmek istedim ve Feyza Hoca beni de Estonya Grubuna aldı.Sena,Naile ve ben çok
heyecanlıydık çünkü ilk defa yurtdışına çıkıyorduk.
Yolculuğumuz daha başlamadan çok eğlenceliydi.Hava
alanındaki bişey unuttuk mu gibi küçük
telaşlar,heyacandan botlarımı çıkarmadan galoş
giyip kapıdan geçme çabalarım-sakın öyle bişey yapmayın tüm gözler bir
anda üzerinize çevriliyor komik bir durum gerçekten :D- herkes 1 valiz ve 1 çantayla giderken benim 1
valiz, 1 yemek çantası,1sırt çantası,1 kol çantası ve 1 kamera çantasıyla
gitmem falan komikti gerçekten.
Başta herşey gerçekten hayal gibiydi.Ailelerimizden ayrıldıktan,uçak
kalktıktan sonra gerçek olduğunu anladık.Herşey çok güzeldi.İstanbul’da
pasaport kontrolünden sonra St.Petersburg uçağına bindik.İndiğimizde daha önce
hiç o kadar üşüdüğümü hatırlamıyordum soğuktan konuşamıyorduk bile.Metroya
gitmemiz gerekiyordu hava alanından bi taksiye bindik ama şoför ingilizce
bilmiyordu o yüzden gitmemiz biraz zor oldu.St.Petersburg Metrosu dünyanın en
derin metrosuymuş aynı zamanda en şık ve en gösterişli metroymuş.Orayı görmek
çok güzeldi.St.Petersburgtan çıktık bir otobüse bindik.Gerçekten
yolculuğumuzdaki en zor anları orada yaşadık.Pasaport kontrolü vardı.Bizim
pasaportlarımızda gri pasaporttu onlar gri pasaportun ne olduğunu
bilmiyorlarmış.İngilizce de bilmedikleri için iletişim kuramadık.Uzun bir süre
orada beklemek zorunda kaldık.En sonunda İngilizce bilen biri geldi ve
öylelikle yola devam edebildik.Yola devam ettik ama aradan çok geçmeden yine
pasaport kontrolü için otobüsü durdurdular.Bu sefer herkesin pasaportunu
topladılar.Yine bi süre bekledikten sonra yola devam ettik.Estonya-Narva’ya
02.40 gibi geldik.Jelena Lohmatova bizi samimi ve sıcakkanlı bir şekilde
karşıladı.Sonra bizi Narva-Jõesuu Spa Hotell’e(Sanatoorium) bıraktı.Aslında
Estonya’da oradaki öğrencilerin evinde kalacaktık ama soğuktan dolayı bazı
evlerdeki ısıtma sistemlerinde sorun olduğu için birkaç grup otelde kaldık.Otel
çok güzeldi,rahattı ama yemek konusunda biraz sorun yaşadım hatta iyi ki yemek
çantamı almışım dedimJ.Türkiye ile Estonya’nın yemek kültürleri farklı
olduğu için peynirin tadı bile bana farklı geliyordu.Ekmek kızartıp uçaktan
aldığımız ikramları yiyelim dedik.Kızartma makinesinin yanında yanmış ekmekler
duruyordu bende makine de nasıl yaktılar anlamadım diye gülmüştüm ve benimde
ekmeklerim yandı LSiz
siz olun hiçbir konu hakkında kötü eleştiride bulunmayın her an başınıza
Estonya’daki ilk günümüzde oradakilerle tanışmak için okula
gittik.Almanya,İspanya,Avusturya,Estonya,Polonya ve Türkiye grupları
vardı.Tanışma için güzel bir oyun hazırlamışlar.Daire oluşturduk ve bir tane
tenis topu vardı top kime gelirse kendi adını ve topu atacağı kişinin adını
söylüyordu bu şekilde herkesi tanımış olduk.Bana Hatiçe diyorlardı.:DDaha başka
oyunlarda oynadık.Taş-kağıt-makas,bingo…Bir öğrenci flüt çaldı,dans gösterisi
oldu çok eğlenceliydi.Sonra otobüse binip Narva’yı gezmeye başladık.Deniz de
durduk.Deniz tamamen donmuş,üzerine kar birikmiş.Denizin üzerinde yürüdük.Çok
güzeldi.Sonra Kreenholmi’ye yemek yemeye gittik.Estonya’nın geleneksel yemeği
patates haşlamasıymış.Yemekte patates,mayonezli balık ve küp küp doğranmış bal
kabağı vardı.Tatlı da ise çilekli süt gibi bişey vardı.Yemekten sonra Narva
Müzesine gittik.Kaleyi gezdik.Oradan Maxima diye bir markete gittik.Marketin
karşısında buz pateni vardı tüm öğrenciler gitmek istedi ama bizim daha önce
bir deneyimimiz olmayınca pek gitmek istemedik.Buz üstünde durmakta biraz
zorluk yaşadım.Maria ve Anfissa beni alıp kaymaya başladılar tabii ben
bilmeyince yere düştüm güldük bayağı.Sonra Avusturya da yaşayan Türk kızı Çağla
bana öğretmeye başladı onunla biraz ayakta durabiliyordum.Sonra yine Avusturyadan
Matthias beni aldı kaymaya başladık.Sonra otele döndük.Gece çok
soğuktu,soğuktan uyuyamadık bir yorgan daha istedik bu sayede Yorgan=Blenkt
olduğunu öğrendik.
3 Mart sabahı benim uyandığım en güzel sabahtı.Çünkü o gün benim doğum
günümdü ve Sena beni ‘Who is birthday today?’diye uyandırdı.Uyurken öyle
uyandırınca korktum tabi ben fırladım hemen sonra gülerek It’s my birthday
today dedim. :DKahvaltımız çok güzeldi yine ekmeklerimizi kızarttık çayımızı
aldık ama bu sefer yanına bal ve tereyağı da eklendi.Uçakta verdikleri
kahvaltıyı yememiştik çantamıza koymuştuk.İyi ki öyle yapmışız.Çok iyi
doyduktan sonra otobüsle Estonya’nın başkenti Tallin’e doğru yol aldık.Yolda
bazı yerlede durup gezdik,hediyeler aldık,yemek yedik.Estonya’da hep balık
yeriz demiştik ama sadece orada yedik.Balık çok güzeldi.Sonra yola çıktık
tekrar ve Tallin’e geldik.Çok güzeldi,çok farklıydı.Bir pastane de oturalım
dedik.Benim doğum günümü kutladık.Mum yoktu çatalı mum yapıp üfledim Çok
eğlenceliydi.İlk defa ailem olmadan bir doğum günü geçiriyordum biraz üzücüydü
tabii ama Sena,Naile ve Feyza Hocam yanımda oldukları için çok
mutluydum.Pastaneden çıktıktan sonra etrafı gezdik.Geleneksel kıyafet giymiş
kuruyemişçiler,parti broşürü dağıtan tuhaf giyimli insanlar vardı.Çok tatlılardı.Gezdikten
sonra tekrar otobüse bindik.Polonyalı kızlar Damat Halayı’nı çok seviyorlarmış
açtılar oynadılar falan çok eğlenceliydi.Okulda tanıştığımız gün doğum
günlerimizi söylemiştik.Justyna benim doğum günümü hatırlamış.Bugün senin doğum
günün müydü diye sordu ama birthday yerine biraz daha farklı börztday gibi
bişey söyleyince ne dediğini anlamadık sonra anlayınca çok mutlu
oldum.Otobüstekiler Happy birthday to you diyip alkış tuttular.Otele
döndüğümüzde akşam yemeğini kaçırmıştık ama balık bizi tok tutmuştu.Bizde
Sena’yla resimleri ayarlayalım dedik.Naile o sıra da bana doğum günü sürprizi
hazırlamış.İncirin Üzerine çikolata sürmüş çubuk krakerden de mum
yapmış.Yediğim en güzel pastaydı.3 gündür ailelerimizden arkadaşlarımızdan ayrı
olunca onları çok özlemiştik.Bizim Alican diye bir sınıf arkadaşımız var.Onun
şarkı söylemesini falan çok seviyorduk hala seviyoruz tabii ki bu sefer biz ona
söyleyelim dedik.Ferdi Tayfur’un ‘Bende özledim bende’ Şarkısını söyleyip video
çektik.Çok eğlenceliydi ama nerdeyse oteli ayağa kaldırcaktık biraz fazla ses
yapmışız sonradan anladık.Ama bir sorun çıkmadı. :DÇok güzel bir gündü.Sabah
uyandığımda boğazım ağrıyordu hastalanmışım biraz ama bir şey olmadı.Okula
gittik tanıtım slaytı izledik sonra bir kura seçtik.Kura sonucuna göre derslere
gittik.Bana müzik dersi çıkmıştı.Sena’ya resim,Naile’ye İngilizce,Feyza Hoca’ya
da Kimya dersi çıkmış.Müzik dersi çok güzeldi şarkılar söyledik,Müzik öğretmeni
piyano çaldı,çok eğlenceliydi.Sonra herkes resim sınıfına çıktı.Taşlara peçeteler
yapıştırdık,çok tatlı oldular.Sonra okulun yemekhanesine gittik.Yemekte
makarna,pirinçli poğaça,ve tarçınlı kurabiye vardı.tabii birde çay.Yemekhanede
piyano vardı.Matthias Pachelbel-Canon’u çaldı.sonra spor salonuna
gittik.Voleybol,badminton oynadık.Futbol oynadılar.Sonra otele döndük
sanırım.Diğer gün yine bir yerleri gezdik.Bir kiliseye gittik.İçeride ölü
varmış.Tören yapıyorlarmış.Bizde girdik baktık nasılmış diye etrafta kokulu
mumlar ,çiçekler…Kiliseye besmele çekip sağ ayağımızla girdik içeride de ölüye
Fatiha okuduk.Allah kabul etsin.:DDiğer gün yani 6 Mart Max Kranz’ın doğum
günüydü ona hediye aldık.Akşam otele gittik Max’a hediyesini verdik,çok
sevindi.Akşam verdik çünkü sabah Estonya’dan ayrılacaktık.Sabah valizlerimizi
kontrol ettik hepsi 2 katına çıkmıştı.Kahvaltıdan sonra Almanlarla
vedalaştık.Max’ın doğum gününü kutladık tekrar.Sonra Jelena bizi almaya
geldi.Oda benim doğum günümü hatırlayıp bana hediye çikolata almış.Çok mutlu
olmuştum.sonra otobüsümüze bindik.Hayatımdaki en konforlu otobüstü Lux
Express.İçinde ücretsiz kahve makinesi,tuvalet,telefonunu şarj edebileceğin
priz,ikram…St.Petersburg’a geldik.Metroyla Nevsky Caddesi’ne gittik.Mimari
açıdan çok güzeldi.Sonra uçağa bindik ve İstanbul’a geldik.Kaldığımız otel
harikaydı.O gece çok iyi uyuduk.Sabah muhteşem bir kahvaltı vardı.Omlet,sıcacık
çay ve kahvaltılıklar…O kahvaltıdan sonra canım Türkiye’m dedim.:Dkahvaltıdan
sonra deniz kenarında yürüdük sonra valizlerimizi toparladık.Öğlen balık
ekmeğimizi de yedikten sonra Konya’ya dönmek için uçağa bindik.Her uçak
yolculuğumuz çok eğlenceliydi.Sena’yla Serdar Ortaç dinleyerek hem güldük hemde
sınıftaki hatıralarımızı hatırladık.Uçak yolculuğunda yanınınzda sevdiğiniz bir
arkadaşınız varsa açın Serdar Ortaç dinleyin.Serdar Ortaç hiç bu kadar eğlenceli
olmamıştır.:DVee sonunda Konya’ya döndük.
Bize bu geziyi,bu tecrübeyi sağladığı için İngilizce Öğretmeniz Feyza
Akdan’a sonsuz teşekkürler.Ayrıca yabancı ülkelerdeki insanlara Türkiye’deki
insanları bizim aracılığımızla tanıttığı ve yanlış bilgileri ortadan kaldırdığı
için de Feyza Hocam’a ve Comenius’a teşekkürler.Fayza Hocam iyi ki
varsınız.Sizi çoookk seviyoruzzz.J <3
Project outcome “Another road for
European Integration and Citizenship “
Twice Baked Potato Casserole
6 medium potatoes, baked 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 lb bacon, cooked and drained 3 cups sour cream 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 2 green onions, chopped
Cut peeled potatoes in 1 inch cubes.
Place half in greased 13x9 baking dish.
Sprinkle with half the salt, pepper, and
Top with half the sour cream and cheeses.
Repeat layers.
Bake, uncovered at 350* for 25 minutes.
Sprinkle with onions.
Awesome Pierogi Casserole
Full of flavor, this pierogi-layered
casserole is nothing short of rich and hearty. It's a wonderful change fro ...
Servings: 6-8
5 potatoes, peeled and cubed 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/2 lb bacon, diced 1 onion, chopped 6 cloves garlic, minced 8 ounces packages lasagna noodles 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese salt and pepper 1 (8 ounce) container sour cream 3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place the potatoes in a large pot with water
to cover over high heat.
Bring to a boil and cook until the potatoes
are tender.
Remove from heat, drain, then combine with
milk and 6 tablespoons of butter, mash and set aside.
Melt the remaining 2 tablespoons of the butter
in a large skillet over medium high heat.
Saute the bacon, onions and garlic in the
butter for 5 to 10 minutes, or until the bacon is fully cooked.
Cook the lasagna noodles according to package
directions and cool under running water.
Place 1/2 of the mashed potatoes into the
bottom of a 9x13-inch baking dish.
Top this with 1/3 of the cheese, followed by a
layer of lasgana noodles.
Repeat this with the remaining potatoes,
another 1/3 of the cheese and a layer of noodles.
Then arrange the bacon, onion and garlic over
the noodles, then another layer of noodles, and finally top all with the
remaining cheese.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Bake, uncovered at 350 for 30 to 45 minutes,
or until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
Serve with sour cream and chopped fresh
Polish Chicken and Dumplings
Yield: 1 casserole Units: US | Metric 2 boneless chicken breasts 1 (10 ounce) can chicken broth 1 (10 ounce) can cream of chicken soup 1 (4 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained pepper garlic salt (to taste) 12 frozen pierogi, potato and cheese 4 tablespoons butter 1/3 cup milk Directions:
Cook chicken breasts in crock pot with the can of chicken
broth on low for 4 hours.
Drain chicken, shred, put back into crockpot
with cream of chicken soup, mushrooms, pepper and garlic salt.
Heat on low while you do the next step.
Thaw pierogies in boiling water for 5 minutes;
drain and place in a casserole dish that has been sprayed with cooking spray.
Place a couple pats of butter on top of
Dump chicken mixture on top of pierogies.
Place a couple pats of butter on top of
chicken mixture.
Pour milk over the top.
Bake in a 350 degree Fahrenheit oven for 15
Servings: 6-8
1 lb beef stew meat, cut into cubes (chuck or
round) 12 cups chicken stock (and/or water) or 12
cups beef stock (and/or water) 6 large beets, tops removed 1 large onion, minced 4 tomatoes, peeled and seeded (canned works
fine) 1 -2 lime, juice of 2 tablespoons sugar (I like less) salt and pepper to taste sour cream (and/or snipped chives for
Combine the first five ingredients in a
large non-reactive pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and allow the soup to
simmer for 2= hours.
Half an hour before serving, remove beets,
keeping the broth at a simmer.
When beets are cool enough to handle, peel and
grate them (the peels should slip right off). Then return them to the pot. Stir
in lime juice and sugar, then season with salt and pepper.
Serve, garnished with a dollop of sour cream
and/or some snipped chives.
TraditionalEstonian cuisinehas substantially been based onmeatandpotatoes, and onfishin coastal and lakeside areas, but now bears
influence from many other cuisines, including a variety of international foods
and dishes, with a number of contributions from the traditions of nearby
countries.Scandinavian,German,Russianand other influences have played their part.
The most typical foods in Estonia have beenrye bread,pork, potatoes anddairy products.[1]Estonian eating habits have
historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia
belongs firmly to thebeer,vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe
Boiled pork in jelly. The jelly is made by
boiling the pork bones, sometimes hooves and heads. It's often made in large
batches, so many Estonian families have stories of jars and jars of solidifying
s?lt all over the house. Sound intersting? See below for the recipe.
A favourite traditional Estonian dish that most foreigners
are understandably too squeamish to try is sült, a jellied meat dish made from
boiled pork. Any of our readers who are brave enough to try concocting it at home
will earn bragging rights and the admiration of In Your Pocket staff. This
recipe comes to us fromwww.kokaraamat.ee: Ingredients: 2 pork legs (2 thighs, 2 hooves), 500g bony
beef, 3 medium onions, 1 garlic cloves, 2 carrots, 10-12 grains of black
pepper, 5 grains of mixed spices, 2 laurel leaves, salt. Directions: Wash meat and put to boil in large stew pot.
Water must be cold when meat is added. Remove foam when water starts to boil.
Keep water just above the boiling point, allowing it to simmer. After the first
hour, add whole onions (tops and bottoms removed, but not peeled), garlic, and
carrots (cut into rounds). Continue boiling until meat is loose from bones
(three to four hours). Add salt and spices 15 minutes before boiling process is
finished. Remove all meat and separate it from bones. Cut meat into small
pieces, mix with the liquid and heat to boiling point once more. Pour sült
mixture into several smaller bowls, and allow to harden in a cool place (five
to eight hours). Serve cold with horseradish
or strong mustard, and with hot potatoes and pumpkin salad on the side.
Sauerkraut stew with pork, served with boiled
potatoes. This one also turned out to be popular with theparticipants, one of
whom slyly had the remaining portion wrapped up to take home. "Seems to be a complete and healthy meal,
with or without the Estonian sauerkraut (mulgikapsas)
Ingredients: 1 kg sauerkraut, half a glass of barley
grouts, 500g bacon, two onions, salt, sugar, water. Directions: Put sauerkraut in a saucepan with pearl barley
and meat. Cover it with water and stew it under the lid. It is important to see
that the water does not boil off. Add salt and sugar. Cut the onions into
little cubes and fry them with little fat or oil. Add them to the sauerkraut.
Serve with boiled potatoes and pork.
cuisinehas evolved as a nationalcuisinethrough
centuries of social and political change with variations from region to region.
southern regions ofGermany, includingBavariaand
neighbouringSwabia, share many dishes. Furthermore, across the border
inAustria, one will find many different dishes.
However, ingredients and dishes vary by region. Many significant regional
dishes have become international, but have proliferated in very different
variations across the country presently.
German-style potato salad
4 large
waxy-style potatoes (about 1kg)
2 tbsp, plus
2 tsp salt
3 strips
streaky bacon (about 55g), minced
½ medium Spanish
onion, chopped
1 tbsp plain
chicken stock, homemade or low-sodium tinned
80ml white
wine vinegar
ground black pepper
1 tbsp plus
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1½ tsp sugar
20g chopped
flat-leaf parsley leaves
potato salad
1)In a large saucepan, place the
potatoes and cover with cold water by 2.5-cm. Stir in 2 tablespoons salt. Bring
to the boil, lower the heat, and simmer until just tender, about 30 minutes.
Drain, transfer to a large bowl, and cover with cling film to keep warm.
2) In a small saucepan, over medium-high heat, add the bacon and cook, stirring
frequently, until crispy and the fat has been rendered, about 3 minutes. Lower
the heat to medium, add the onion and cook, stirring, until translucent, about
6 minutes. Stir in the flour and cook for 45 seconds more. Add the remaining 2
teaspoons salt, stock, vinegar, mustard, and sugar. Bring to the boil whilst
whisking constantly. Remove from the heat.
3) Using your hands, rub the skins off the potatoes. Cut the potatoes in half
lengthwise, then cut crosswise into .5-cm slices. Return the potatoes to the
large bowl. Pour the vinegar mixture over the potatoes and toss to coat. Toss
in the parsley and season with pepper to taste. Transfer to a serving platter
and serve immediately.
Cook's Note: This potato salad is at its best served immediately or shortly
afterwards at room temperature.
German pancake
For the German pancake:
large eggs
tsp fine salt
tbsp caster sugar
milk, warmed
tsp vanilla essence
unsalted butter, melted
unbleached plain flour
tsp vegetable fat
berries or glazed apples and pears compote, recipes follow
1) For the pancake: Preheat the oven
to 220C/Gas Mark 7.
2) In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, salt, sugar, milk, vanilla, and
butter. Whisk in the flour to make a smooth batter. Set aside.
3) Heat a well-seasoned 25-cm cast-iron skillet in the oven for 10 minutes.
Remove and brush the inside with the fat. Pour in the batter and bake for 15
4) Lower the oven to 180C/Gas 4 and continue baking until puffed and golden
brown, about 13 to 15 minutes more. Run a knife around the edge of the skillet.
Sift the icing sugar over the pancake. Serve immediately in the skillet with
maple syrup, marinated berries, or glazed apples and pears, recipes follow.
5) For the marinated berries: In a small saucepan, combine the sugar, vanilla
bean and seeds, citrus zests, and water. Bring to a boil and then reduce the
heat to low. Simmer very gently until syrupy, about 25 minutes.
6) Remove from the heat and add the citrus juices. Combine the berries in a
bowl. Strain the warm syrup over the berries and marinate at room temperature
for 30 minutes. Serve.
7) For the glazed apples and pears compote: Peel, core, and cut both the apples
and pears into 2-cm wedges. In a medium bowl, toss the fruit with the lemon
8) Melt the butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add the sugar, orange
zest, and cinnamon sticks and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add the fruit,
increase the heat to medium-high, and cook, shaking the pan frequently, until
glazed, about 10 minutes.
9) Raise the heat to high, add the
orange juice, and cook until the fruit is easily pierced with a paring knife,
about 1 minute more. If desired, add the Calvados. If cooking on a gas burner,
carefully tip the pan toward the flame to flambe the alcohol; if cooking over
an electric element, hold a long match near the mixture. Swirl the pan over the
heat until the flame subsides. Serve warm.
Pot roast with roasted vegetables
For the pot roast:
(1.35kg to 1.8kg) beef chuck roast
and freshly ground black pepper to taste
tbsp plain flour
tbsps vegetable oil
cloves garlic, smashed
large onion, sliced
(425g) tinned whole tomatoes, in juice
red wine
beef stock, homemade or made from beef bouillon (2 bouillon cubes and 500ml hot
water) not canned
sprigs fresh thyme, or 2 tsps dried
bay leaves
tbsp cornflour, mixed with 2 tbsps water, optional
1)Preheat the oven to 180C/Gas 4.
2) Heat a large casserole pot, with a lid, over medium-high heat. Season the
meat generously with salt and pepper, and sprinkle lightly with the flour. Add
the oil to the pot, lay the meat in the pan and sear on both sides until a deep
mahogany brown, about 10 minutes. Transfer the meat to a plate. Pour all but
about 2 tablespoons of the oil from the pan.
3) Add the onion and garlic to the pan, and cook until fragrant and soft, about
5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, breaking them up by hand as you add them to the
pot, and cook until a deep brick red, about 2 minutes more. Add the wine, and
with a wooden spoon scrape up any browned bits that cling to the bottom of the
pot. Add the remaining tomato liquid, beef broth, thyme, and bay leaves, and
bring to a boil. Return the roast to the pot, nestle it in the liquid, cover
and transfer pot to the oven.
4) Cook until the roast is just tender, about 1 1/2 hours. Remove the lid and
continue to cook, uncovered until tender about 1 hour more.
5) Meanwhile, toss the onions, carrots, parsnips, and turnips with the olive
oil, salt, and pepper. Spread out on a baking sheet in 1 layer. You may have to
use 2 baking tins. Once the roast comes out of the oven, raise the temperature
to 230C/Gas 8. Roast the vegetables, turning about halfway through cooking,
until caramelized and tender, about 30 to 45 minutes.
6) Transfer the roast to a plate and cover loosely with foil. Skim the fat off
the surface of the liquid and discard. Bring the sauce to a boil over
medium-high heat, and cook until thickened. For a thicker sauce whisk in the
cornflour mixture and bring to a boil. (Test the thickness of the sauce by
spooning some onto a plate and checking the consistency).
7) Stir in the parsley, taste
and adjust salt and pepper, as needed. Keep the roast warm in the sauce until
ready to slice. 8)
Slice the pot roast and lay on a platter, surround with the vegetables. Pour
some of the sauce on top and serve the remaining in a sauceboat on the side.
Wiener Schnitzel
The true origin of the Wiener Schnitzel has become a matter
of vigorous debate between culinary historians in recent times again. One
thing, however, is absolutely certain:the Wiener
Schnitzel is truly cosmopolitan. The earliest trails lead to
Spain, where the Moors were coating meat with breadcrumbs during the Middle
Ages. The Jewish community in Constantinople is similarly reported to have
known a dish similar to the Wiener Schnitzel, in the 12th century. So whether
the legend surrounding the import of the “Costoletta Milanese” from Italy to
Austria by Field Marshal Radetzky is true or merely a nice story makes very
little difference, in actual fact. So long as the schnitzel istender and crispy!
Ingredients: 4 veal schnitzel, 150 – 180 g each (alternatively,
use pork or turkey) 2 eggs Approx. 100 g coarse-ground flour Approx. 100 g breadcrumbs Salt, pepper Clarified butter and/or plant oil Slices of lemon, to garnish
How to make it:
1.Lay out the schnitzel, remove any skin and beat until thin. Season on
both sides with salt and pepper. Place flour and breadcrumbs into separate flat
plates, beat the eggs together on a further plate using a fork.
each schnitzel firstly on both sides in flour, then draw through the beaten
eggs, ensuring that no part of the schnitzel remains dry. Lastly, coat in the
breadcrumbs and carefully press down the crumbs using the reverse side of the
fork (this causes the crumb coating to “fluff up” better during cooking).
Tiroler Gröstl
Tiroler Gröstl is one of the hearty favourites from the skiing
and hiking region ofTirol.
Traditionally, it is a delicious and satisfying way of using up yesterday’s
left-overs. It makes a great shared-from-the-pan mountain lunch, particularly
when combined with a separate pan ofKaiserschmarren.
1½ tbsp corn, sunflower or vegetable oil
400g smoked bacon lardons (or cooked ham)
1 onion, cut into chunks
500g cooked potatoes (preferably waxy ones), cold and cut into small chunks
1 tsp caraway seeds
1½ tsp hot, sweet paprika (if you can't find this, use sweet paprika mixed with
a pinch of chilli powder)
small handful of parsley, roughly chopped
to make it:
Heat the oil in a large frying pan, then fry the bacon and onion together for
10 minutes until the bacon is golden. Lift out of the pan onto a plate, before
adding the potatoes and frying for 10 minutes more until golden. Tip in the
caraway and paprika, season well, then fry for another minute, stirring to
release their fragrance. Return the bacon and onion, taste for seasoning, then
add the parsley. Serve hot and - for a real authentic touch - with a fried egg
on top.
While the Austro-Hungarian monarchy may have united any number
of peoples under its emblem of the two eagles, when it came to his choice of
meals Emperor Franz Joseph proved very loyal to his native country and region.
Alongside cooked beef, he loved simple pastry dishes made from eggs, flour,
milk and a little sugar, such as the light and creamy Kaiserschmarren. Whether
the thanks for this dish really ought to go to afailed and shredded omeletteas rumour suggests is something that
will probably never be established. The main thing is that the recipe has been
passed down to us.
6 eggs
350–400 ml milk
180–200 g finely ground flour
3 tbsp crystal sugar, for the topping
2 tbsp raisins
1 packet (8g) vanilla sugar
A dash of rum
Some grated lemon rind
A pinch of salt
Approx. 50 g
butter for frying
1 tablespoon of butter shavings and crystal sugar, for caramelising
Icing sugar and cinnamon for dusting
to make it:
1.Place the raisins in a bowl, mix with
the rum and leave to stand for approx. 15 minutes. Separate the eggs and place
the yolks in a mixing bowl. Pour in the milk, flavour with some grated lemon
rind and vanilla sugar, and add the flour. Mix to form a smooth dough.
2.Beat the egg whites with the crystal
sugar and a small pinch of salt until it forms a firm peak, and fold into the
dough mix. Pre-heat the oven to 180
3.Let the butter melt and bubble up in
one large, or two small (coated) heatproof dishes. Pour in the mixture and
after 1–2 minutes scatter the soaked raisins over the top. Cook the underside
until light brown, turn over using a spatula and bake for 6–8 minutes in the
pre-heated oven until golden brown.
4.Tear the ‘Schmarren’ into small
pieces, using two forks. Scatter the butter shavings over the top, sprinkle
with some crystal sugar, and caramelise under the grill at a high heat.
5.Remove from the grill and arrange on
pre-heated plates. Dust with icing sugar and cinnamon. Serve with baked plums,
a berry ragout or fruit compote. The Kaiserschmarren can also be cooked at the
top of the oven and caramelised at the end with a lid to cover.
No doubt about it, theTortilla Espanolaor
Spanish Omelet is the most commonly served dish in Spain. It is also calledTortilla de Patataor
Potato Omelet. Bars and cafés serve it as atapaor appetizer, but it is often served
as a light dinner in Spanish homes. Because it is easy to transport, the
Spanish makebocadillosor
sandwiches by placing a piece between two pieces of a baguette.
There are lots of
variations oftortillasor
omelets and a few are listed at the bottom of this recipe.
·6-7 medium potatoes, peeled
·1 whole yellow onion
·5-6 large eggs
·2-3 cups of olive oil for pan frying
·Salt to taste
·Prep Time:10 minutes
·Cook Time:25 minutes
·Total Time:35 minutes
·Yield:6 Servings Main Dish
Thistortilla espanolaortortilla de patatamakes 8-10 servings as an appetizer,
or 6 servings as a main course.
Cut the
peeled potatoes in half lengthwise. Then, with the flat side on the cutting
surface, slice the potato in pieces approximately 1/8" thick. If you slice
them a bit thick, don’t worry – it will simply take a bit longer for them to
Peel and
chop the onion into 1/4" pieces. Put potatoes and onions into a bowl and
mix them together. Salt the mixture.
In a large,
heavy, non-stick frying pan, heat the olive oil on medium high heat. Carefully
place the potato and onion mixture into the frying pan, spreading them evenly
over the surface. The oil should almost cover the potatoes. You may need to
turn down the heat slightly, so the potatoes do not burn.
Leave in pan
until the potatoes are cooked. If you can poke a piece of potato with a spatula
and it easily breaks in two, your potatoes are done. Remove from the pan with a
slotted spoon or spatula and allow oil to drain.
Crack the
eggs into a large mixing bowl and beat by hand with a whisk or fork. Pour in
the potato onion mixture. Mix together with a large spoon.
Pour 1-2 Tbsp of olive oil into a small, non-stick frying pan
(aprox. 9-10”)
and heat on medium heat. Be careful not to get the pan too hot because the oil
will burn - or thetortillawill! When hot, stir the potato onion
mixture once more and “pour” into the pan and spread out evenly. Allow the egg
to cook around the edges. Then you can carefully lift up one side of the omelet
to check if the egg has slightly “browned.” The inside of the mixture should
not be completely cooked and the egg will still be runny.
When the
mixture has browned on the bottom, you are ready to turn it over to cook the
other side. Take the frying pan to a sink. Place a large dinner plate (12”) upside down over the
frying pan. With one hand on the frying pan handle and the other on top of the
plate to hold it steady, quickly turn the frying pan over and the omelet will
“fall” onto the plate. Place the frying pan back on the range and put just
enough oil to cover the bottom and sides of the pan. Let the pan warm for 30
seconds or so. Now slide the omelet into the frying pan. Use the spatula to
shape the sides of the omelet. Let the omelet cook for 3-4 minutes. Turn the
heat off and let the tortilla sit in the pan for 2 minutes.
Slide the
omelet onto a plate to serve. If eating as a main course, cut the omelet into
6-8 pieces like a pie. Serve sliced French bread on the side.
If you are serving as an appetizer, slice a baguette into pieces
about 1/2 inch think. Cut thetortillainto 1.5” squares and place a piece
on top of each slice of bread.
It is simply delicious served withsofrito, fried tomato sauce that is made all over
Spain. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, green peppers and olive oil sautéed in a
frying pan.
Tapas have received a lot of attention in the
last 10 years or so and consequently have gained popularity all over the world.
In Spain, they are simply a part of life. Tapas, Spain's appetizers are eaten
any time - day or night. Put a few of these little dishes together and they can
make a meal on their own! Going out to eat tapas is such a big part of the
culture that there is even a verb "tapear", which means "to eat
Seafood Tapas
If you have
ever been to Spain, or had a friend from Spain, you know that Spaniards have a
love affair with seafood. It's only natural, if you consider that Spain is
surrounded on three sides by water – the Atlantic Ocean, the Cantabric Sea and
the Mediterranean Sea. As far back as the Romans, plants were built to preserve
fish by salting and drying them. Today, Spaniards eat seafood every day,
prepared many different ways. That includes a dizzying variety of seafood
Meat and Poultry
sometimes replace entire meals as Spaniards stroll from bar to bar, making
their rounds, it shouldn't come as a surprise that tapas can be substantial
dishes and include meat and poultry.
Vegetarian and Egg
Tapas come
in all varieties, including vegetarian kinds like grilled eggplant. Eggs are
also very popular in Spain and are prepared many different ways.
"Tapas" are no different. From fresh egg-based mayonnaise in Spanish
potato salad to scrambled eggs in Spanish omelets.
1 poundjumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined, shells reserved
2 teaspoonsolive oil
1/2 teaspoonsaffron threads, or more to taste
2 1/4 cupschicken broth
1 tablespoonolive oil
8 ounceschorizo sausage, sliced into thin rounds
1/2yellow onion, diced
2 clovesgarlic, minced
1 1/3 cupsArborio rice
1/2 cupgreen peas
1red bell pepper, cut into thin strips
1 teaspoonpaprika
1 pinchcayenne pepper, or more to taste
1.Cook and stir reserved shrimp shells and 2 teaspoons olive oil in
a saucepan over medium heat until shells are pink and fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes.
Stir saffron into shells; add chicken broth, bring to a simmer, and cook until
broth is a rusty brown and fragrant, about 20 minutes.
2.Strain saffron broth through a fine-mesh sieve; measure out 2 cups
of broth, pour into a small saucepan, and place over low heat to keep broth
3.Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
4.Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large, oven-proof skillet over
medium heat. Cook chorizo slices in hot oil until browned, about 2 minutes per
side. Add onion to sausage; cook and stir until soft and slightly translucent,
about 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low.
5.Stir garlic into chorizo mixture; cook and stir until fragrant,
about 1 minute. Add rice to skillet and stir to coat rice completely in oil;
stir in peas.
6.Pat rice mixture evenly into the bottom of the skillet. Arrange
shrimp in a single layer over the top of the rice. Lay pepper strips around and
in-between shrimp; season with salt and cayenne pepper.
7.Increase heat to high. When rice begins to sizzle in the skillet,
pour reserved 2 cups hot saffron broth over the shrimp; gently shake the
skillet to distribute liquid.
8.Bake rice mixture in the preheated oven until rice is almost
tender and still a bit wet, about 20 minutes.
9.Place skillet over medium-high and cook until rice is tender,
liquid is absorbed, and rice caramelizes and crusts slightly on the bottom of
the skillet, 3 to 5 minutes.
The story behind
this dish is that the Imam (a Turkish official in the Ottoman Empire) fainted
when his wife told him she'd used up all the olive oil in making this dish.
Eggplant is an oil sponge, it loves to soak it up. Having said that, it is also
very, very delicious, and if you allow the eggplant to drain well after frying
them, you will still cut calories while retaining great taste. Great dish -
the garlic, tomatoes, parsley, salt, and pepper.
until it comes together as a very thick stew (no liquid). Stir in mint.
the stem ends from each eggplant and cut eggplants in half lengthwise.
3 lengthwise slits, almost from end to end, cutting into the flesh about 1 inch deep.
Heat 1/2
cup olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.
the eggplant, cut side down, and fry gently, until dark golden-brown on cut
over and fry on skin side a couple more minutes.
from oil (most of it will have been absorbed) and place on paper towels to
drain for at least 15 minutes before proceeding with recipe (this gets rid of
most of the oil- you can omit the frying step to cut calories and save time,
but you will NOT have the same flavourful results, and the recipe will not be
as authentic).
oven to 350°F.
each slit apart and spoon the vegetable mixture into each cavity.
eggplants in a baking dish just large enough to hold them.
with sugar, lemon juice, and drizzle with the remaining oil.
for 40 minutes, or until tender.
with lots of crusty bread.
is a very traditional divine dessert of various cultures & geographies.
This version is from the Agean coast of Anatolia.
Add semolina and pine nuts and roast by
stirring for 10-15 min until pine nuts turn to light brown. (stove on medium
Add water, milk and sugar respectively wait
until boiling bubbles are observed. (increase the heat level).
Lower the heat (to low to medium) and stir
occasionally untill the water runs out.
Turn off the heat, cover the lid of the pot and
let it cool down.
Turkish Coffee
From Saad Fayed,
Turkish coffee is famed for the way it is made. It is prepared in an ibrik, a
small coffee pot that is heated. Sugar is added during the brewing process, not
after, so the need for a serving spoon is eliminated. Cream or milk is never
added to Turkish coffee, and sugar is optional. It is always served in
demitasse cups. In some regions, your fortune is told by the placement of the
coffee grinds left in the cup!
If you do not have an ibrik, a small saucepan
will work.
Remove from heat, add coffee and cardamom.
Return saucepan to heat and allow to come to a
Remove from heat when coffee foams.
Again, return to heat, allowing to foam and
remove from heat.
Pour into cup, and allow to sit for a few
minutes for the grounds to settle to the bottom of the cup.
Cardamom pod may be served in cup for added
****** Many people have made note that the
coffee did not foam the second boiling. Sorry about that. Maybe if, when you
pour the coffee into the cup, you do it from up high. I think I read that
Turkish coffee must always be served with foam
on top.
If you can't find finely ground Arabic coffee,
you can purchase a bag of coffee at any coffeehouse and ask them to grind it
for Turkish coffee. You need to have a powder-like consistency.
Do not stir after pouring into cups; the foam
will collapse.